BLI 6364 HO Scale GG1 Electric Pennsylvania Tuscan 5-Stripe PRR 4876 DCC Sound
Among the worlds most recognizable engines, the GG1 is no stranger to rail fans of all levels. The GG1 has been plastered on everything from magazine ads and Hollywood movies to coach seat headrests. It is said to have been in more advertisements and movie clips over the years than any other locomotive.
The GG1 was designed in 1934 because the Pennsyvania Railroad was unsatisfied with the performance of the P5a. GE delivered the GG1 prototype to the PRR in August 1934, and PRR ordered 57 more locomotives in November of the same year. They eventually built an additional 81 units between 1937 and 1943. The GG1 represents a breakthrough in electric locomotive technology. It was patterned mechanically after the New Haven Railroad EP3. The GG1 could track better at high speeds compared to the P5a, and the wheelbase design allowed it to negotiate sharp curves and some railroad switches that the R1, another PRR Electric option, wasn't able to negotiate due to its rigid wheelbase.
Broadway Limited Imports brings the memory of this world famous locomotive to life in die cast construction with Paragon3 electronics including Rolling Thunder™. In this production run, we offer six distinct PRR paint schemes, one Penn Central, and one Amtrak. Each road number and paint scheme are prototypically accurate. In our 2019 production, we built models with the flat pilot and fixed coupler. In this 2021 production run, our models have the later drop coupler and pilot shape that accommodates the coupler in the down position. Our models also have three distinct intake vent options, and each model has the correct intake vents for the selected paint scheme.
- Paragon3 Sound & Operation System featuring ROLLING THUNDERTM
- Authentic Sounds and Prototypical Operation in both DC and DCC environments
- Integral DCC Decoder with Back EMF for Industry Best Slow Speed Operation in DC and DCC
- Precision Drive Mechanism engineered for continuous heavy load towing and smooth slow speed operation
- Premium Caliber Painting with Authentic Paint Schemes
- Road-specific Detail Variations Accurate for Each Paint Scheme
- Prototypical Light Operation with Golden White LED Headlight and Rear Light
- Built-in GoPack Capacitor Pack for Better Performance on Dirty or Uneven Track
- Die Cast Boiler Body with Die Cast chassis for Maximum Tractive Effort
- Operating Pantographs for Prototypical Appearance (not motorized)
- (2) Operating Kadee-compatible Couplers
- Operating Headlight and Rear Light
- Separately Applied Handrails, Grab Irons, Ladders, Horn, and Brass Bell
- Factory-Installed Engineer Figure
- Will Operate on Code 70, 83, and 100 Rail
- Recommended Minimum Radius: 18 inches
- Accurate Prototypical Sounds for a GG1 Electric Locomotive
Paragon3 Sound & Control System Features:
- Unmatched frequency response as low as 20 HZ when paired with Rolling Thunder™ subwoofer kit
- 8 simultaneously playable audio channels
- Improved motor control in DC & DCC
- Motor short circuit protection
- Works with NMRA standard DCC controllers
- Automatic dual mode: works with DC power packs or DCC systems
- Two selectable bells
- Three playable horns with variable endings
- One long non-looped horn
- One alternate horn for locomotives with a second horn
- 4x expanded autopilot storage vs Paragon2
- Expanded startup and shutdown sequences
- 64 MB sound memory
- 2 watt audio output
- 24 individual sounds with separate volume control
- Adjustable bell ringing interval for faster or slower bell
- Numerous user-mappable functions with available keys
- Multiple Realistic Passenger and Crew Sounds play on command
- Simple Programming with Integral DCC Decoder
- Fully Compatible with JMRI Decoder Pro
- Automatic Forward / Reverse Signal - When activated, stopping triggers and stop whistle toot. When moving forward from a stopped position, toots twice. When moving in reverse, toots three times.
- EZ Reset button for quick return to factory default settings